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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

House of Earth and Blood

The beginning of this 800-pager is simply awful, rife with the kind of fantasist characterization and shoehorned exposition that teenagers write on the internet in anonymity. I was afraid of what I’d have to say in this space if the book had continued to be so bad as its initial eighth, but, thankfully, it got better. The problem of Maas really needing an editor to mitigate her worst habits did, however, continue. Her main character turns out to be a world-class Mary Sue, a kind of Swiss Army Knife of supernatural ability. Often, the reader’s inability to predict what comes next depends not on organic character and plot movements, but on the narrators keeping secrets from the reader. This is a cheap way to spice up the plot ... Further, Maas’s writing is not up to par ... Maas’s work is sort-of addictive ... While certain setups were so telegraphed that their conclusions were as meaningful as toast popping up when it’s done, others had satisfying payoffs. A handful of scenes felt so genuine that I read them twice, enjoying how conversations and characterization snaked around to emotional resolutions. And Maas knows how to write dialogue that crackles and snarks along as capably as Joss Whedon’s, which is a major asset. Still. On balance, House of Earth and Blood is not a terribly good book. It is ingenuous, and its characters are appealing, and its universe is complex enough to make for great cosplay and fanfic (key for its target audience). I enjoyed some of the reading experience, if not quite half of it.

About Mohamed Boutrassit

E-Book Reader and Ebook APP Store are Two Non profite Small Community ,our goal is to build the biggest book library for free :Books,Novels,Science Papers,etc.... To Achieve our Goal we Provided to our Visitors a Free Source Code of an app used to read pdf , and we asked them to put a book they got in it ,(if they are cabable to), we always recieve new Books Reader Apps for visitors developers and small readers. we are not responsable for any content of an app published in this website. we publish apps not books ;). so don't come and give us lessons .every developer is responsable for its app and its content as it has not sexuel content its not our problem.


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